Meet the Leander Campus Ministry & Connect Group Coordinators

You can join any ministry or group by noting on a Connection Card or via the Church Center App.

ministry coordinators & Staff

  • Richard Lyle

    Cafe Ministry

    If you feel led to serve on the cafe team, please let me know.

  • jane goolsby


    God led my husband, Allen, and I to visit Upwards Church and we joined in April 2021. I'm honored to lead the connection center and greeting ministries, if you feel led to serve in any capacity, please let me know. We love our church family and serving one another.

    “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

  • darrell koop

    facilities ministry

  • Jennifer Shanklin

    Kids Ministry & Cleaning Ministry

    We love our Upwards Kids. We embrace the joy in teaching children about Jesus and encouraging them to continue to grow in God's word with Bible lessons, songs, and creativity. If you are interested in serving on the Kids Ministry or Cleaning Team, please contact one of me. 

    "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

    Proverbs 22:6

  • bonnie bennetsen

    Office & Media Administrator

    I’m married with two young adults and we've been attending Upwards Church since its very first service in 2000. I have been in administrative management for Christian nonprofit organizations since 1992 and have been an administrator with Upwards Church, providing support for our campuses and preschools since 2003. My passion is to use all my abilities and talents for God’s church. 

  • joe hill

    prayer ministry

  • Noel Koop

    preschool Director

    I graduated college from Southwestern Seminary class of May 2023 with a bachelor's in Christian Studies and minor in Children's Ministry. I have worked in a licensed preschool for 5 years, and have served in children's ministry since I was in middle school. My heart and passion is to teach children the love of Jesus. I believe real faith begins with an understanding of who God is and how much He loves us. I am committed to teaching and loving children, and helping them to know, love, and serve God! If you would like more information or are wanting to have your child enrolled at Upwards Preschool, please contact me!

  • allen goolsby

    security AND LANDSCAPING ministries

    My wife, Jane, and I love spending as much time as possible with our two sons and their families! I enjoy leading the Safety and Landscaping Ministries, and also serve on the Facility Ministry. If you have a calling to serve in any capacity, please let me know.

    “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood." Acts 20:28

  • fay cortes

    worship & tech ministries


    worship & tech MINISTRIES

    If you are interested in serving on the Worship or Tech Team, please contact me!

  • Mike Sellers, and DaviD & CELESTE YEAKLEY

    Youth ministry

    We really enjoy teaching and helping youth to grow closer to Christ. It is very important that youth know what the Bible says so they have a firm foundation, grow and become more Christ-like, and to share, serve and live out their faith. Please contact me if you have youth or if you would like to serve them by joining our team.
    "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."  Proverbs 22:6

connect group coordinators

  • gerry claggett

    men's group - wednesday

  • BRIAN & jennifer shanklin

    mixed group - tuesday

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  • recovery group


  • niki koop

    women's group - tuesday