church leadership

jesus christ is

the head of our church

Meet Our Pastors & Elders

darrell koop

lead pastor & elder

Howdy! It’s an honor to be the pastor of this great church. Niki and I moved to Williamson County in 2000 to start this church in our living room. We have 3 kids, Kaleb, Noel and Danielle. I’m an Aggie, class of 1990 and later went to seminary at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for a masters of Divinity with Biblical languages. I love turtles and landscaping. Niki is a physical therapist. I hope to meet you in person on Sunday!

lewis alexander, Phd

jarrell campus pastor & elder

Howdy, I’m Lewis Alexander, one of the pastors at Upwards Church! I grew up on a small Central Texas farm with chickens, pigs, goats, cows, rabbits, horses, raccoons, dogs and cats. I never imagined that I would be living part time in Central America on the beach, commuting monthly to work and church. For work, I get paid to teach people how to love each other! As a volunteer, I get to teach people how to love the Lord, His Word, His people and His Mission. Please join me on Sunday mornings at one of our 2 locations.



I am a pastor and I travel and speak at both campuses. My father was a pastor and I was definitely the prodigal son. I promised to never be a pastor, and tried doing life my way, but God had different plans. I have a passion for God, God’s Word, learning, and teaching His Word and His Truth with others. God has truly blessed me with an amazing wife, Jennifer, and 4 great, yet a little crazy, kids. I am a full-time HVAC contractor and the greatest ministry is the day to day life we share with others. We would love for you to join us at Upwards Church where Jesus is King and Lord of Lords, God’s Word and Truth is spoken and shared, and the people are real, not fake! Hope to see you soon!!



I grew up in a small New Hampshire town, kicked around at the University of NH, the Peace Corps and the U.S. Army before FINALLY coming to Jesus as my living Lord &
Savior in Ireland. Naomi & I have been involved in all kinds of churches seeking to love God, love people & share Jesus. After a career in IT and raising a family of three boys, we’ve ended up in TX as a retired couple near our son and his family in Leander. We found a great church home here at Upwards Church. I’m an Elder and involved with the Men’s Connect Group, studying the Bible as Upwards makes its way through the entire Bible in five years. Naomi & I serve in kids ministry, music, lawn mowing and prayer team.